

Monday, August 12, 2013

Creating Space and Going Deeper

This space has been quiet the past couple of weeks with a few pop ins from me as I have taken some steps to try and really focus myself on my art, family,friends  and professional projects.  Keeping it all in balance can be a serious struggle for me, especially as I have been blessed with multiple professional opportunities in the creative world and in the world of education technology.  There are times when this space is busting at the seams with new ideas and collaborations and then there are seasons when this space is just silent because I need to quiet my head and heart.

But life is happening away from this little blog.

Sometimes it just important to take a step back, pray, create, and just have faith that the people that love my artwork also love this space enough to give me time and space to reflect.  This blog is about vulnerability, creativity, art, photography, and everything in between.

I have been thinking quite a bit about anxiety during my hiatus.  I really see anxiety as a spiritual issue.  Becoming anxious about relationships, time, and space is a heart issue.  Feeling fried, anxious with my tank feeling empty is just numbing.  I don't think God ever wants us to live a life of numbing when we are fully capable of digging deeper into our relationships.  So in my hiatus from this space, I took the time to really dig deep into beautiful relationship I have with the people around me because it is there that I find the energy to create and inspire the people that read this.

Carry On Creative Peeps!  We got work to do here :)

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