Shame cannot exist in the places where I experience sympathetic joy, compassion and equanimity.
Shame disappears in the moments when we are accepting our current feelings just as they are.
Shame doesn't exist when Natalie reads a poem out loud in our writing class.
Shame doesn't exist when our family chooses wellness over sickness.
Shame doesn't exist when we are talking about shame.
Shame doesn't exist when Shyla is listening to her headphones, taking fierce actions toward healing.
Shame doesn't exist when I take my ADHD medication
Shame doesn't exist I share my blog entries, even the ones that are not polished and nice.
Shame doesn't exist when I can communicate with accuracy what I am feeling in a single moment.
Shame doesn't exist when I am in my therapist's office
Shame doesn't exist in the farmer's markets where people are buying food grown with love and compassion for the beings that their food will nourish.
Shame doesn't exist when two friends with a long history of their own struggles can laugh together.
Shame doesn't exist during meditation sessions on joy, compassion and equanimity or loving kindness towards my enemies (or really people I need to grow to love from a distance)
Shame doesn't exist when we can move from a place of long suffering anger to empathy and then back to equanimity
Shame ceases to exist when I acknowledge the presence of its existence in my head and heart and then take an action toward...
Shame resiliency...
Intentional Behaviors
That lead me
back to joy

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