

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Photographing People Being Inspired: Ted Talks 2014

It has been a true pleasure to be connected with TedEx Gateway Arch, the local independent St. Louis Chapter of TedTalks.  For those of you who have never heard about TedTalks, please do yourself a favor and go be inspired by some of the most talented and inspirational minds in the world. TedTalks continue to be one of the best parts of my day.  I love listening to some of my favorite actresses, musicians, artists, writers, etc taking 20 minutes to talk about the issues or ideas that they believe are worth telling.

Last week, I had a great opportunity to go photograph the local simulcast of the national TedTalk 2014 from Vancouver, BC.   As I was shooting this event, it occurred to me that the majority of this photo shoot was about photographing people who were being inspired and that was inspiring to me, especially in this season where I find myself needing to be surrounded by people who consistently push me to keep challenging the my own perceptions .  I look forward to being a part of the TedEx Gateway Arch community and also using my photography skills to document their events.

Below are a few of my favorite TedTalks from the Ted2014 Simulcast:

Malala;s Father, Ziauddin Yousafzai:

 Chris Hadfield: What Its Like to Go Blind Space

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