

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Showing Up

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”  -Brene Brown.

After a very long week, I decided to bring my camera out  to see life in macro for a bit.  Being in school mode makes me tired and cranky.  So today, I brought out my camera to *feel* a little Kairos moments.

Insta-Inspirations: 1. Concept for marketing materials for my job: "Feel the wind."  2. This photo of my friend Marissa and my son, Asher.  3.Clunky shoes  4. Coffee ice cream  5. Vintage motorcycles

MacroMoment with my son and his feet.

Insta-Inspiration: Colorful outdoor chair pads, World Market, Dark Chocolate, Peppermint oil to help aide my migraines, and vintage motor cycles again 

Macro moment with my nearly 3 year old.  I love her.  She is a goofball.  Macro-Kairos moment. Click.

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