

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The He(art) of the Matter: Turning 30

Hello 30s! What a beautiful, sweet chapter of life my 30's has found me in!  I am absolutely thrilled to be in this place in life.  With a clear head and open heart , I want this decade to be about saying yes to more time with family and best friends, yes to having more people gather around my big picnic kitchen table that I am going to be getting this spring,  yes to more opportunities to photograph and create art, and yes to more opportunities to grow in my faith and community.  This is the decade where I grow into the roots that were planted in my 20's and bloom a little brighter from my experiences in my story in passed chapters. YES!

Now, here is what I am saying no in this decade: I am saying no to feeling shame about my body and house, no to longer days at work, and no to unhealthy behaviors. NO!

More prayer, more hope, more love, more integrity...more of the good stuff that keeps the tank full! That is what I am going to lean into for my 30's---even in the mess. Life is too short to sit in shame watching the years tick away.

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