

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Self Portraits Feb. 1-8: 20 Year Old Me vs. 30 Year Old Me

So I missed a few self portrait days this week.  But I got a chance to take few "on the road" pics as I waited for my
friend as she went inside the grocery store on a few occasions.  The other photos were of my favorite Turquoise necklace

I turn 30 next month.  My 20's were quite an adventure that I don't have the emotional need to ever experience again. I went to college, got married, went to grad school, moved across the country twice, had to 2 babies, experience the death of my father-in-law, and bought a house.  I want to take the time to reflect on 20 year old me and then keep focusing on staying present and living in hope for my 30's.  

20 Year Old Me:

Favorite Book: White Oleander

Dated a guy from high school

Lived and breathed Photography

Embraced the vegetarian lifestyle wholeheartedly

Drove a 1995 Honda Civic

Hung out Broadway Cafe like it was going out of style

Favorite Bands: Radiohead and Tori Amos

Wore her heart on her sleeve with no boundaries

Dreamed of  living anywhere else but Kansas City/Lawrence

Met Luke in design class in art school

Began to dig spiritual roots at Jacob's Well in KC

Loved going to indie rock shows with best friends

Listened to Andrew WK

Started doing yoga

Nearly 30 Year Old  Me:

Favorite Book: Daring Greatly

Married a guy from college

Lives and breaths Photography and Art

Embraces whole eating (does not believe in weighing myself)

Drives a 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe

Hangs out at Foundation Grounds

Favorite Bands: Phospherescent and Tina Dico

Wore her heart on her sleeve with MANY boundaries

Dreams of not ever moving again.

Began to dig spiritual roots at the Gathering in St. Louis

Loves listening to new bands and eating at fun restaurants with Luke

Still doing yoga

I love how yoga, photography, a place to grow in my faith, good coffee places, and Luke have remained present in my life while my wanderlust and emotional boundaries, like wine, have improved with age.

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