

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

On Anger and Loving Kindness

There is a real monster inside of me that is hard to love.

She follows me around as my shadowy self

Showing up on even the brightest, sunniest moments

She is impulsive

She is selfish

She worries, endlessly, about the things that she cannot control

She gets irritable and frustrated at those she loves the most

But yet

All she wants is my attention

She wants to be acknowledged and loved

Despite her dark feelings

She wants me to know that her feelings of anger matter

And that she doesn't want to be angry but that she deeply feels

The pain of the World

And Others

She desires to feel metta

And to be deeply heard

And understood

By Me.

When this happens,

 Then she will

Be free

And whole

Inside of me.

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